What is the proper form for submitting housing related expenses?

by Jeff

What is the proper form for submitting housing related expenses?

(Vickey's Rely)
HI Jeff,
Are you talking about the form the minister completes and turns into the church for the Board to set his housing allowance? If so, there is a example of that form in my ebook: "Minister Compensation and Taxes" You can find it on this page: https://www.freechurchaccounting.com/church_accounting_package.html

If you just need the form, let me know and I will send it to you.


Are you referring to the income tax form you would use to report your appropriate housing allowance...which would be a Schedule SE?

Comments for What is the proper form for submitting housing related expenses?

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Where do I report housing Allowance on schedule se? What line? Then where do I report what was actually spent in housing Allowance especially if more than allowed?
by: Maxine

Housing Allowance is our only source of compensation from the church and allotted as so. My husband & I work other jobs where we pay taxes. My husband pastors the church and this is his only compensation from the church but we actually pay more than showing on box 14 for the housing allowance.

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