FreeChurchAccounting Newsletter Articles

The following is a list of newsletter articles from my monthly newsletter: Free Church Accounting

white figure newspaper

I try to cover the subjects that you have told me that you are interested in such as audits, internal controls, budgets, online giving, accounting policies, contribution receipts, and much more.

Contact me if there are subjects you would like to see covered in my monthly newsletter: Free Church Accounting and on this site.

I will be adding new newsletter articles from time to time so bookmark this page and check back often.

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Tip Jar

I have set up hundreds of accounting systems by using QuickBooks Online for churches in the past 10 years. So, I would like to share with you some of the tips I have learned throughout the years.  QuickBooks Online for churches can work efficiently and effectively ...if done right...

5 Tips for Using QuickBooks Online for Churches

Lisa London

If you have read my previous blogs and books, you may note that I have liked the desktop better than the online version for several reasons-not reliant on internet strength and reliability, especially if you are in a rural or storm-ridden area; reporting is stronger, and screens seem to be more intuitive. With Intuit’s announcement and their encouragement of accountants to move their clients to QuickBooks Online (QBO), I assume that future improvements will only be on the online side...

QuickBooks Online for Nonprofits Accounting Guide

Year End

One of the first things I do as the year end approaches is to pull a report in all of my client's accounting files that allows me look over all of the year's transactions "by account". Some of the things I look for are...

Year End Checklist for Churches


To Do list for churches and nonprofits that you can and should start on right now. I know that December and January is 2 of the busiest months of the year for us church and nonprofit administrators, so write down your To Do checklist now and make sure you don't miss any of the important tasks due before January 31st!

Year End and First of the Year To Do List

Build Blue Squares

Even though each organization's chart of accounts is unique, most nonprofit and churches use a universal numbering system to avoid confusion for your staff, bookkeepers, accountants, and financial institutions. See tips on building an effective chart of accounts...

Building a Chart of Accounts

balance sheet binder

Before you generate your financial statements, there is a process you should go through to ensure the accounting reports you give your pastor, treasurer, or governing council is accurate and complete...

Financial Statements Preparation

girls giving donations

One of the most important accounting internal controls you can put in place is establishing clear guidelines for the handling of your organization's funds. Included in those guidelines should be proper procedures for handling church groups opening separate checking accounts. See more on internal controls for church groups...

Accounting Internal Controls for Church Groups

Church Accounting Package

A set of 2 ebook packages that covers the following topics...

  • Fund accounting examples and explanations
  • Difference between unrestricted and restricted funds
  • Best methods for tracking restrictive funds
  • Explanations and examples of financial statements for churches and nonprofits
  • Minister compensation and taxes
  • Payroll accounting and its complexities
  • Much more - Click here for details
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If your church is embarking on the process of shopping for a new church accounting software, there are a few tips to keep in mind to make it a smart choice...

Accounting Software Tips

Audit small

Does your church need an audit? Surprisingly the answer may be "No"! See why an audit may be a bad idea...

Need an Audit?


Every church and nonprofit should have a written accounting policy manual. It will save you future problems down the road and serve as a valuable reference guide for your organization...

Creating an Accounting Policy Manual



Knowing WHEN to issue contribution receipts is something every organization that accepts donations should research. Knowing when NOT to issue those charitable contribution receipts may be even more important! …

Contribution Receipt Rules

contribution box

Charitable contribution receipts can be a challenging part of a church or nonprofit's administrator. Since contributions are essential for a nonprofit's survival and growth, knowing how to handle those donations is very important...

Charitable Contribution Receipts Q&A


While churches are offering online giving as an added convenience for members, they are discovering a hidden benefit. When members give online, the average amount is a little larger and their giving is more consistent.....

How to Accept Online Giving


The IRS has the authority to assess a 100% penalty against the individual(s) responsible for withholding and paying federal payroll taxes, even if the person is an unpaid volunteer such as a church Treasurer.  The IRS aggressively uses this authority...

Federal Payroll Tax Issues


Unsubstantiated business expenses and lost receipts can be a big headache for everyone involved in the financial process of the church....

Unsubstantiated Business Expenses

Budget binder

Preparing a budget is time consuming and in this economy...estimating income and expenses can be very challenging.

So here are some budget tips that might make this tedious task a little easier...

Budget Tips and Online Giving

5 tips on how to cut expenses and help your church or nonprofit continue to minister to your community during these tough economic times ...

Cut Back

See 4 ways you can directly and immediately raise your pastor’s salary without paying him any more money ...

Pastor Appreciation on a Budget

7 tips on how to cut expenses by lowering your office supply cost with discounts, coupons, and even some free stuff...

7 Ways to Cut Cost on Your Office Supplies

Fundraisers can be beneficial to your church. However, there are some legal issues you should keep in mind ...

Fundraiser Tips