Using the Reimbursement method???

by Maria
(houston, Tx)

Is it a best way to reimburse the Staff who take care of buying materials, supplies for the church. He/She turns in the receipts with total then the church cut a check to reimburse him/her. Is that OK? or the church should have a Debit Card so that he/She can use to purchase things. Is there any better way to control of cash??

Please help,

Thank You


Either way is fine as long as proper controls are used. Make sure with reimbursing your staff that you have a proper account reimbursement plan in place.

See this page for instructions on properly setting up an account reimbursement plan.

Couple of important points:

  • Make sure it is written
  • Make sure it is “adopted” properly
  • Make sure it is for church-related business expense only
  • Make sure you get proper documentation

With a church debit card, you should have some written policies in place also such as who is authorize to use it, prior permission required or not, justification and documentation. Also, for proper internal controls make sure the same person who uses the church debit card is NOT the same person who reconciles your bank statements.

Hope this helps,

Church Accounting Package

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Share your Debit Card Policy
by: Anonymous

Would anyone have a Debit Card Policy in place that they would not mind sharing?

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