My family has been attending our recent church for 1 year and has faithfully been giving our tithes and offering. Should we still get a contributions statement? Yes we have been giving by checks and money orders. Also do we have to fill out a membership form to receipt the contribution statement?

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Apr 12, 2010
Ask for a statement
by: Anonymous

I don't know if the church you attending does what ours does, however, when someone continues to attend, we issue envelopes even if they are not a member.
The IRS requires a statement from the church with the church's name and address on it to prove that it really was a donation. Apparently they are getting pretty sticky on this.
I would suggest talking with the treasurer/recording secretary to see if something could be provided.

Vickey's reply

Excellent response! You do not have to be a member of a church to receive a contribution receipt. However, many times (especially with a small church) the treasurer/secretary will not issue one unless requested to.

Apr 14, 2010
Recording Contributions
by: Marcus in Texas

In our small church in South Texas, the part-time secretary (12 hours/week) is responsible for maintaining the information on member / non-member contributions. By the end of January each year she mails out the contribution letters. As church treasurer (volunteer) I am not responsible for maintaining these records or for mailing out the annual contribution letters.

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