importing bank info into church acct software

by al
(san antonio)

Does anyone know of any church accounting software that will allow you to import deposits & expenses into church management software?

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Comments for importing bank info into church acct software

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Aplos Provides Import Option too
by: Vickey

You can import expenses and deposits through Aplos's bank integration function. It is very easy to use. So Aplos would be a church accounting software to consider as well.

See my review of Aplos.

Quickbooks Premier Non-Profit
by: Tom Krummell

Many, not most, banks provide Quickbooks-compatible downloads which can be imported directly into Quickbooks. Very few credit unions provide Quickbooks download capability.

Quickbooks downloads are NOT the same as Quicken, so be sure you don't mix the two. Quickbooks 2014 now calls the banking feature "Bank Feeds."

Once set up for a financial institution which supports Quickbooks downloads, it is a very efficient and labor-saving way to keep your books up to date.

I Know the Answer
by: PHowell

I have recently taken position of Church Secretary for a small church, they have Quick Books in place, and it keeps track of the Deposits, and bank info, you do have to reconcile the account after getting each bank very simple to use once you have the information in there...Good Luck. :)

Research QuickBooks
by: Anonymous

I think QuickBooks says you can download bank debit and credit information directly into QuickBooks so you don't have to do it manually.

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