by Kathy Butler
(Corning, AR)
Our church board has approved the purchase of a car for our pastor to replace his old one. As church secretary/treasurer, how would I record & report this for IRS tax purposes. It is coming out of our General Fund Account.
It will be a gift for our pastor since his car is needing replaced. The board wanted to make sure he had a good reliable car since our nearest hospital where he would make visits with members of the church and community is 30 minutes to 1 hour away 1 way.
The vehicle would be used for his personal vehicle as well as the vehicle used for church visiting. We are a small church with no employees; our pastor does not receive a salary.
I know that I will be giving him a 1099-MISC showing non-employee income for all the love gifts we give throughout the year. Does the amount we purchased the car for get included into that amount or is turned in somewhere else?'
If anyone can clear this up for me I would appreciate it.
Also, we are paying in estimated tax payments for pastor starting this year, using the IRS estimated tax vouchers. Would we increase this quarterly tax payment due in August/September to cover the car? If so, how much should we increase it?
Thanks for your help.
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