Donated Space Acknowledgment

by Beth
(Jefferson, NC , USA)

How do we acknowledge the contribution of donated space/utilities for a fundraiser?

I have been told that a qualifying statement/disclaimer needs to be included if a contribution is valued $250.00 or more - something regarding not receiving any return on this contribution; no collusion,etc.

Know the answer? Face the same situation? Please post your answer or comment by using the "comment" link below. Thank you!

Comments for Donated Space Acknowledgment

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Feb 28, 2011
Donated Space and Utilities
by: Vickey

See this post.

Regarding a disclaimer statement:
Every contribution receipt should include a statement explaining whether the charity provided any goods or services to the donor for the donation. If no goods or services were provided, you would include wording such as: "You did not receive any goods or services in connection with these contributions other than intangible religious benefits".

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