Our pastor of 26 years recently asked me a question that I thought was cut and dry, but in reality I don't think it is quite as cut and dry as I originally thought it to be.
He wanted to know if once he retires will he be getting a check from Social Security. He pays into it, so I would think that he does.
Since his W-2 doesn't reflect any Social Security wages or Social Security taxes withheld, how does he get credit for it?
Is that something that is reflected on his actual tax return?
His annual W4 always reflects an additional amount of withholding to be withheld that covers his SS/Medicare tax.
I file a quarterly Form 941 and deposit taxes monthly.
His annual W-2 reflects in box 2 the total amount of the actual FWT AND the additional amt (which is actually SS and Medicare taxes).
He has never received a Social Security statement of account that the SSA usually sends out annually - thus the question.
Can you enlighten me?
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