Church accounting for contribution paid to pastors retirement fund

by Glenda
(Detroit MI, USA)

How should you treat a board approved amount of funds to be given to the pastor?

The church does not have an existing plan, but will give pastor a certain amount of funds to deposit into their personal retirement account.

Should this be reported on W-2 or it is treated the same as housing allowance? Thank you

Comments for Church accounting for contribution paid to pastors retirement fund

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by: Anonymous

Where on the W-2 would you put retirement money we give to employee's retirement fund? What line. We directly have that money sent to Retirement fund. He also gets housing. Thank you

Taxable Income
by: Vickey

It is taxable income, so it must be reported in Box 1 of their W-2.

If the church had set up a qualifying retirement account and contributed to it for their would be nontaxable...but giving the money directly to the employee...makes it taxable.

Now, you can set up and approve a housing allowance and those monies would NOT be considered TAXABLE income and would be reported in BOX 14 on the W-2.

However, you should share with your pastor what is considered eligible housing expenses:

Payments to a retirement are NOT an eligible housing expense...but it can be a tax deduction on a personal tax return =)

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