Checks being copied

by Wanda Moose
(North Carolina)

As a new church administrative secretary I am fully aware of the worries of making sure everything we do is legitimate.

I agree, keeping actual copies of the checks can be very risky and the count sheets would be a wonderful place to keep the records until it is actually recorded into whatever means the church uses to post contributions...

...however, as our church grows so do the amount of checks we receive on a weekly basis which means that actually having to hand write every check received each week (on the count sheet) would be very time consuming to our counters, so I will be checking back with this site to see if anyone has any better ideas.

Thank you for this site and God Bless!

Comments for Checks being copied

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Mar 15, 2010
Redacting Information on Copies of Checks
by: Marcus in Texas

A possible solution would be to redact (black out) the account number and bank routing number on the copies of the checks. Without that information, a thief would not be able to gain access to the donor's bank account. You could also redact the donor's home address and phone number on the check copy in order to provide even more protection of the donor's personal information.

Very good suggestion! Why didn't I think of that:-)


Feb 16, 2012
Copying Checks
by: StateSide

We've thought of copying checks at our church as well; however, our bank copies the checks and I have access to those copies online for 3 months.

3 months would cover your quarterly requirement of reconciling any discrepancies and saves on redacting time.

We also enter our contributions in the computer, so it is faster than handwriting. It would be hard to get rid of that step because it is a great check and balance for the treasurer.

Our treasurer receives a signed copy of the contribution record and any changes made must be done on the treasurer portion of the form.

If the treasurer notes any discrepancies with what was received vs. what was reported then the forms are taken back to the people who recorded the contribution for reconciliation and they must initial any changes on the copied form.

I like this idea! Thank you for sharing it with us.


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